The SDLabel printer are manufactured by TSC and customized by autopost in order to operate autonomously, without the connection with a PC.

The only thing it is needed to print labels of any kind and complexity is to connect SDLabel to an electrical socket.

Operating Mode

Turn on the printer and press the button to print.

Whenever the button is pressed the label is printed.

To print a different label, turn off the printer and change the SD card. 

Produced labels

We can see some of the labels without the usage of a PC in the printing execution.

Prints can be different: drawing, logo, barcode 1D and 2D, etc.

The printer adds additional information as hour/minutes/seconds, counter, automatic calculation of a postponed date, etc.

Variable data

Keyboard, small keypad or barcode reader are used to include in the label to print some variable data: name, drawing, barcodes. Everything is very easy.

Printing control

The labels can be printed in:

  • Single mode, by pressing the button presented in the first clip
  • The label is automatically removed and ready to be attached
  • Pre-defined quantity
  • Required quantity by keyboard or barcode


It is possible to print on different materials:

  • paper
  • cardboard
  • polyester
  • non-woven factory
  • double satin
  • and many others