The way to ship and receive mail has changed a lot in the last years and continue to move.

We moved from sending a simple letter with the postal service to receipt a package from Amazon ordered just an hour before.

By the way, not always tooling and organization are aligned with the increased complexity of the system. Concerning the systems and application please refer here.

Also SDLabel, at reduced costs, can give an important support on managing the job


  • Entry and exit protocol 
  • Barcode production for registered letter
  • To print usual addresses
  • To copy barcode
  • Extraction data from barcode 2D
  • Return receipt


  • Minimum encumbrance (by 13 cm wide)
  • Simple connection (electrical socket only needed)
  • Simple to use (usable by any operator)
  • Print the label in real time (data and hour)
  • Print just needed labels, no wastes
  • Descrizione

A case:
Filling of return receipt

The notice of receipt are prepared and glued to the related registered mail.

The post office has to apply the label of “Poste Italiane” with a barcode number of the registered mail and to copy this number in the predefined slots of the return receipt.


  • To avoid mistakes
  • To speed up the process 

autopost Solution 

Once the printer is turned on with the desired program, it is sufficient to read with barcode reader the first code and automatically the printer will supply

in sequence the labels needed. 


In addition to give solution to the request in the video we can see that:

  • The printer works in few space
  • The movement are simple and efficient
  • Also non-qualified operators can use it
  • Everything happens in a critical environment

Lettura barcode raccomandata

Lettura barcode Raccomandata

Stampa e applicazione della etichetta stampata automaticamente sull'avviso di ricevimento posto sul retro della busta

Avviso Ricevimento